What he lacked in formal education (Harry Truman attended both business and law school but never graduated from either), he made up for with charisma and leadership skills. “I felt like the moon, the stars, and all the planets had fallen on me.” ~ Harry S. Truman on becoming president upon FDR’s death in office […]

When I started ShutterbugSage.com back in 2012 as a 365 challenge, my goal was to take and post a photo a day for a year. After all, if you want to improve a skill, the only way to do it is to roll up your sleeves and try (and try) and try again. Perhaps it’s […]

In September 2017, I stopped adding content to this website in order to launch a travel blog, Everyday Wanderer. While that’s going strong (and even with Instagram) I sometimes miss the simplicity of posting just one photo each day with a little narrative. So, I’ve decided to start adding content to Shutterbug Sage once again. […]

In order to improve my photography skills, I started this blog as a 365 project in 2012. When I look back at my early shots 5+ years later, I feel I’ve learned a lot.  Yes, I’m most certainly still an amateur, but going forward I will grow my skills through a new project, most likely […]

The Albuquerque Biological Park, often referred to as the BioPark, is made up of four separate facilities: an aquarium, botanical garden, Tingley Beach, and the Rio Grande Zoo. A small train system connects the four sections of the BioPark providing a fun and easy way to travel between attractions. Although we had a chance to tour […]